AdvanCloud Connection

Available in AdvanNet 2.3.18 and higher for AdvanPay / AdvanSafe / AdvanGuard devices

SCloud activation

1. Power up the system/reader

2. Connect to AdvanNet Manager (Web Application) (admin/admin)

3. Go to the Service tab and open the sCloudService (the parameters should be the same as in this image):

4. Change the parameters to match the image below

Click on Save current

5. After 30 seconds, refresh the page and the browse back to SCloudService. The device unique AdvanCloud code should appear:

In the image below the device code is TLCQ5X

You will also see sCloud version, 4.13.14 below:

AdvanCloud device pairing

With the device code below, please contact your Service Manager to enable the device code in  AdvanCloud.

After the device is enabled, it may take up to 10 minutes for the device to be ready and functional.

Check AdvanCloud status

Once the device has been activated in AdvanCloud, the status of AdvanCloud agent can be checked in the SCloudService.

For example, an enabled AdvanSafe device will look like

Devices not already activated in AdvanCloud will look like