

AdvanFlow-200 is an RFID-based transition portals that allow the retailer to keep full control of the stock in real time. In this way, the retailer replenishes or restocks items when needed, which improves the customer shopping experience and increases sales.

AdvanFlow-200 helps registering inputs and outputs of material of/from a storage location by simply walking by the reading threshold.

AdvanFlow-200 comprises:

AdvanFlow-200 does not need any external computer. It works fully autonomously and generates Move events. When operating with Keonn’s AdvanCloud, the Move events are transformed into automatic stock movements.

A one meter area without tagged items around AdvanFlow must be observed.

Getting Started


These are the minimum steps to start using AdvanFlow-200

1.Connect RF cables from Primary unit to Secondary unit

Like most Keonn systems this system requires a PoE cable as both power supply and network connection.  A properly installed AdvanFlow-200 looks like this:

Never connect or disconnect the Secondary while the system is powered and the RF is ON. Always power off the system when connecting/disconnecting antennas.

2.Power AdvanFlow-200

Connect the AdvanFlow to a power supply (Switch PoE, PoE injector) and wait until it beeps. It will take between 40 and 50 seconds to boot.

on a vertical surface with units separated no less than 40cm.

3. Device discovery

Select the preferred connection method

3.1 DHCP enabled network

AdvanFlow is configured by default using DHCP. 

When connected to a DHCP enabled network it is possible to connect the the system by using its  name.

2. Open a browser (Chrome or Firefox are required)

3. Type the device id + the last four characters of the MAC to browse: http://device_model-four_chars.local 

Depending on the reader FW version the following names may work:

In case it is not possible to connect to the reader using the above URLs please go to the Device Scan IP.

3.2 Non-DHCP enabled network

In case the network does not support DHCP there are several options to connect to the reader. The most common being:

For other options, please visit the Discover devices page.

The previous step will result in the IP that is assigned to the device. Let's name it <AdvanReader-IP-address>

4. Configuration

4.1. Enter AdvanNet Manager

The AdvanReader web administration page is password protected

Default credentials are:

4.2. Read Modes

AdvanFlow uses always the ADVANFLOW_CONFINED

4.3. Persist Configuration

Using the apply button only changes the runtime settings, in order to make those changes persistent follow the steps below:

While changing the configuration, AdvanFlow may stop operation.

In order to start it again:

4.4. Monitor Tab

Go to the monitor tab and press the start button. The result will be like the following:

5. Power and Sensitivity

The power and sensitivity of the AdvanFlow are predefined to work in most cases.

Changing the power/sensitivity may negatively affect the system performance.

They should be only changed to adjust the RFID tag in use.

6. Antenna Configuration

This is the standard antenna settings

7. Change Device IP

To change the IP visit  Change device IP.

Installation tips


The height of the unit has to be choose according to the store operation.

The recommendation is to align the top part of the system between 140 - 160 cm.


The separation between the middle point of the units must be 40 cm. 



AdvanFlow detects complete product movements:

And incomplete product movements

Once a complete product movement is detected, an event TAG_MOVED is generated.

That event is the basic piece of information of AdvanFlow product.

The TAG_MOVED events can be exported to 3rd party systems. More details are given in the Integration section.


The below video gives an example of how to use the system.

LED Status


Integration is usually done using our HTTP, MQTT or SQL Services. This is detailed in our development page.

In the case of AdvanFlow-200 the event to look out for is the TAG_MOVED event, with its subtype: IN, OUT, IN_LIMIT, OUT_LIMIT describing the type and direction of movement being *_LIMIT movements whose direction could not be fully inferred.

AdvanCloud Integration

AdvanFlow-200 can be seamlessly integrated into Keonn's AdvanCloud platform.

To configure an AdvanFlow-200 in AdvanCloud  you have to create the logical zones were the flow will move IN/OUT the products.

The zones are configures under Spaces->Zones menu

When creating the device you must follow chapter reating a device - Common steps for all devices

When the common part is done you have to define which of the zones you have created is the IN and OUT zone (source and target).

This is done under Additional parameters:

See an example where:




additional parameters:  frontZone=salesfloor&backZone=warehouse

Once AdvanCloud connection is working, ant TAG_MOVED event will be automatically exported into AdvanCloud as a MOVE inventory.

Factory reset

Whenever the system is fully booted press the reset button for 15 seconds. Use a paper clip or similar.

The unit will be rebooted with:

Latest Firmware

AdvanFlow-200 requires FW (AdvanNet 2.8.x branch), the latest stable release can be downloaded from

Then follow the Firmware upgrade procedure from here