

AdvanPay-110 features:

  • All in one solution: reader, antenna, keyboard emulator software

  • High power: 27 dBm

  • Specific functionalities for point of sales at retail stores and for check-in/check-out stations

  • Very easy and fast integration with point of sales without the need for software modification

  • Powered by PoE

  • Ethernet communication

  • Complete loss prevention system, when used with AdvanSafe

For retailers:

  • Queues reduction, thanks to a much faster payment process

  • Improvement in the customer shopping experience, derived from a shorter payment time

  • Reduction in employee costs

  • Simultaneous item detection and EAS flag activation/deactivation

Getting Started

Helpful downloads:

  • Download Datasheet (see download files section)

  • Download User Manual (see download files section)

These are the minimum steps to start using AdvanPay:

Power AdvanPay unit

Connect the AdvanPay to a power supply (Switch PoE, PoE injector, etc..) through an Ethernet cable and wait until it beeps. It will take between 40 and 50 seconds to boot.

Using a PoE injector

Follow this diagram to connect AdvanPay through a PoE injector:

Connection micro-USB cable to PC

Connect the AdvanPay and your computer with the micro-USB (Type B) cable provided by Keonn.

AdvanPay uses the standard HID drivers, any PC should automatically detect the new device and install it as a regular keyboard.

USB emulation

Make sure the micro-USB cable is connected to your PC.

Make sure your PC has self-installed the right drivers

Open a text editor (Notepad, Gedit, ...) in the PC where AdvanPay is connected to:

  1. Make sure that the Led Green is flashing: that means the Payment mode is running (more in operation modes later on)

  2. Put one of the sample tags over the AdvanPay:

    • A beep will be heard when the tag is sent through the USB.

    • The decoded GTIN will be printed on the active PC window.

    • The chapter Apply EPC change configuration explains how to configure AdvanPay to disable/enable an EPC after a Payment/Return operation.

At this point, we are sure Advanpay is up and running normally.


Almost on any installation, it is required to adjust the AdvanPay operation.

Discover Device

Configuration requires Ethernet access to the unit, as it uses a web application.

We need therefore to connect the AdvanPay unit to an Ethernet network and execute an IP discovery process. After the configuration process is finished, the Ethernet cable can be removed.

To be able to discover the AdvanPay IP address, use a PC in the same network as the computer.

Please see the discover devices for the 150/60 Series devices: series150/60-Discover-devices.

Enter AdvanNet Manager

The previous step will result in the IP that is assigned to the device. Let's named it <AdvanPay-IP-address>

  1. Use a computer in the same network as the AdvanPay.

  2. Open a Web Browser (Chrome or Firefox are required).

  3. Go to the page: http://<AdvanPay-IP-address>:3161

  4. Replace the <AdvanPay-IP-address> for the IP found in the discover devices.

  5. Enter the following credentials:

  • User: admin

  • Password: admin

Select the only device in the drop-down list, if it is not selected, and connect to it:

Read Modes

Go to the RF & Antennas options to see the available AdvanPay read modes.


The purpose of each Read Modes is the following:

  1. ADVANPAY_PAYMENT: This read mode is used to read a tag and, if configured, deactivate it. For example, if the EPC in your tags begins with 0x3036, AdvanPay can be commanded to change this value with a 0x1111 header and beep if it was successful.

  2. ADVANPAY_RETURN: This read mode is used to read a tag and, if configured, activate it. For example, if the active EPCs begins with 0x3036, AdvanPay will try to change the value of the tag to start with 0x3036.

  3. ADVANPAY_READONLY: This read mode is used only to read the EPC from the tags.

Apply EPC change Configuration

Only available in the ADVANPAY_PAYMENT and ADVANPAY_RETURN read modes.

In the case the EPCs in use followed:

  • EPC (SKU) begins with 0x3036.

  • The password of these tags is 0x12345678.

A possible Enable/Disable configuration for the ADVANPAY_PAYMENT and ADVANPAY_RETURN read modes for these tags could be:

  • ADVANPAY_PAYMENT: AdvanPay will change every EPC to begin with 0x1111 instead of beginning with 0x3036. It will only affect the tags with the password 0x12345678.

  • ADVANPAY_RETURN: AdvanPay will change every EPC to begin with 0x3036. It will only affect the tags with the password 0x12345678.

After any configuration change, always use the Apply config button.

Persist Configuration

Using the apply button only changes the runtime settings, in order to make those changes persistent follow the steps below:

  • Remember to apply the configuration.

  • Click the persist button (surrounded in red) to persist the configuration.

  • In this case, the AdvanPay will start with ADVANPAY_PAYMENT configuration.

While changing the configuration, the AdvanPay operation remains stopped.

In order to start it again:

    • Go to the monitor tab.

    • Press the start button

USB emulation with EPC change configuration

Make sure the micro-USB cable is connected to your PC.

Make sure your PC has self-installed the right drivers

Open a text editor (Notepad, Gedit, ...) in the PC where AdvanPay is connected to:

  1. Make sure that the Led Green is flashing: that means the Payment mode is running (more in operation modes later on)

  2. Put one of the sample tags over the AdvanPay:

    • A beep will be heard when the tag is sent through the USB.

    • The decoded GTIN will be printed on the active PC window.

Mode Button

The mode button is only available for the flush version of AdvanPay-110.

A remote button is available for the under-mount version of AdvanPay-110 under the name ADPY-ECM-100

Once all three AdvanPay modes are configured, they can be easily switched by using the cover push button:

The behavior is as follows:

  • If the button is just pressed (without holding it), it will make the AdvanPay:

    • Start reading: The led will start blinking.

    • Stop reading: The led will stay steady.

  • If the button is pressed and held for more than 4 seconds, it will change the read mode. This will be reflected on the LEDs (read modes explanation):

    • Green LED: ADVANPAY_PAYMENT read mode.

    • Red LED: ADVANPAY_RETURN read mode.

    • Blue LED: ADVANPAY_READONLY read mode.

For further information please visit our button page.

Advanced configuration

Power and Sensitivity

The power and sensitivity of the AdvanPay its already being set for the best performance but in the RF & Antenna Options tab can be configured for more suitable performance. For more information about it look at this post: What-is-the-difference-between-Power-and-Sensitivity.

Change device IP

To change the IP visit Change device IP

USB HID Service

Look into our wiki section: USB HID Service


To connect AdvanPay to the cloud using sCloud please follow these instructions.

Change or disable AdvanPay LEDs

In order to change or disable the LEDs of the AdvanPay, please contact our support team

Kill Tag Option

AdvanPay can be configured to kill a tag when doing a Payment/Return operation. Enable the "kill tag after reading it" and set the kill password of your tags in the "kill password (hex)" option.

Events & Actions

You can configure which actions will be triggered in the available events. For example, the most used events are:

  • USB_SENT: This event is created when an EPC is sent through the USB.

  • TAG_WRITE: This event is created when AdvanPay writes a tag successfully.

  • TAG_READ: This event is created when AdvanPay reads a tag.

Normally these events will trigger a Buzzer action, where AdvanPay will make a beep kind of sound for each event:

Time Scan

AdvanPay can be configured to read for a period of time (time scan). Every time a user makes AdvanPay start reading, either from the AdvanNet Manager (Web Application) or from the physical button, AdvanPay will do a time scan. In the following picture the time scan is configured at 5 seconds:

Transparent mode

By transparent mode, we mean a mode where AdvanPay is completely controlled using the REST API.

AdvanPay would start without the RF on and will wait for commands to start operation.

In order to configure AdvanPay units in transparent mode, follow the steps below:

    • Stop operation if RF is on

    • Configure Autonomous mode

    • Disable auto-start

    • Persist settings

Change AdvanPay LEDs

To change the LEDs configuration follow the steps here.

Disable AdvanPay LEDs

To disable the LEDs configuration follow the steps here.

System features

Access to device serial number

Any device contains a unique serial number. The serial number can be accessed with

    • HTTP GET request at: http://{device_ip}:3161/AdvanPay-m1-eu-110/serial

    • Other devices mya use: AdvanPay-m1-us-110, AdvanPay-m1-eu-cu-110, AdvanPay-m1-us-cu-110, AdvanPay-m1-eu-160, AdvanPay-m1-us-160.

  • The serial number is found inside the tag <result>

  • Currently, this device serial number is based on the device MAC address.

Access CSV log

CSV files are intended for backup purposes only.

CSV file format may change after an upgrade without further notice.

All system activity is logged into a CSV file. This file can be accessed at any time:

    • Retrieve CSV log file accessing the URL (HTTP GET request)


    • The CSV file is retrieved as an uncompressed file named

      • advanpay-m1-110-tags.csv


      • advanpay-m1-160-tags.csv

  • The CSV file structure is self-explanatory. It contains events of the following type

    • TAG_READ: a read event of a tag

    • TAG_ADPY_PAYMENT: a payment event

    • TAG_ADPY_RETURN: a return event

    • TAG_ADPY_READ: a read event while in ADVANPAY_READ mode

    • TAG_WRITE: a tag write event. Tag write events may be a side-effect of TAG_ADPY_PAYMENT and TAG_ADPY_RETURN. When the latter events involve a re-write of the EPC.

The size of the log file could grow up to 300 MBytes.

It is very important to clear it up from time to time to avoid long download times.

The timestamp in the CSV files is expressed in UTC

Clear CSV log

To clear the internal CSV log file, access the URL (HTTP GET request)


Access real-time data

All system activity can be accessed at real-time by listening at TCP socket port 3177.

The protocol used is very similar to HTTP and the message format is XML. The following is a sample of the message:




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>














Important characteristics:

  • Header always contains

    • ADVANNET/1.0: protocol version

    • Content-Length: length of the message

    • Content-Type: type of message

  • There is an empty line between the headers and the start of the message.

  • Line separators are CRLF characters: this applies to header lines and the empty line between headers and content. The content itself (in case of TXT or XML type) may contain any form of line separator.

TAG messages

Possible TAG events that will be received are:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>




















































Without EPC re-write

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>














With EPC re-write

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
















Without EPC re-write

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>














With EPC re-write

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
















<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>















<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
















Common error found when the configured password do not match the tag password

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>














<humanCode>Error[0000040a] Changing EPC pattern in 30360000a1360033331d3604. Error msg: Password seems wrong.</humanCode>







Common error found when the write operation fails. Usual conditions are:

    • The tag does not stay the required time for the write operation

    • The write power is not high enough

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>














<humanCode>Error[00000400] Changing EPC pattern in 30360000a1360033331d3604. Error msg: No tags found.</humanCode>







SYSTEM messages

Possible SYSTEM events that will be received are:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>











<msg>Device[adrd-m4-100] started in mode: EPC_EAS_ALARM</msg>




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>














<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>













    • Also several error messages can be received.

Reset settings to default

It is possible to reset the system to factory defaults. That means:

  • Any network settings are removed and the system is reverted to use DHCP

  • Any persisted operation settings (AdvanNet settings) are removed

The procedure is as follows:

  • Power the system and waits to hear the start-up beep

  • Use a paper clip or similar to press the Reset button for at least 12 seconds

  • The reset process will start when the reset button is released.

    • The system will be restarted

    • Wait for the start-up beep


AdvanPay devices feature two different network interfaces:

    • Ethernet

    • Ethernet over USB (not available in initial revisions)

Ethernet interface

The Ethernet interface has two different 2 IP addresses:

  • Primary (user-defined): may be static or dynamic (DHCP). DHCP by default

  • Secondary: statically defined

The is used for example whenever the Primary is configured in DHCP and there is no DHCP server available. The device would them be reachable through the Secondary IP address.

Ethernet over USB

This interface only has one static IP:

Follow the instructions here to configure the Host PC to use this interface

Installation tips

Which conditions may interfere with the AdvanPay operation?

The most common cause of interference is another RFID system.

While AdvanPay uses by default a small conducted power (10 dBm -10 mW-), another neighboring RFID system may help to power up tags. Once tags are powered up, no matter the source of the energy, the may respond strong enough for AdvanPay to detect them.

Solutions to this problem are:

    • Make sure other RFID systems' active area do not reach AdvanPay location.

    • Try reducing the conducted power from the possible interference source

System update

AdvanPay-110 uses an embedded Linux board with the required software for its autonomous operation. It is a flexible platform that can be extended.

The root user is required in some update steps. Please make sure to follow the guidelines as improper use of the root user may cause the system to stop working.

Firmware upgrade to 2.3.10


    • AdvanPay-110 root access. Request it at

    • Putty or similar (SSH)

    • FileZilla or similar (SFTP)

How to upgrade:

    • Based on the RF band your system is using download the firmware files:

    • Using FileZilla transfer the above two files into /home/keonn directory into the AdvanPay unit.

    • Using putty log into AdvanPay unit

    • Into command line type the following:

keonn@AdvanPay-110-eu:~#cd /home/keonn
keonn@AdvanPay-110-eu:~#sudo mv keonn_0081501_2_3_10.tgz /home
keonn@AdvanPay-110-eu:~#cd /home
keonn@AdvanPay-110-eu:~#sudo chmod 755
keonn@AdvanPay-110-eu:~#sudo ./

The result should be similar to

Latest Firmware

You can always download and install the latest Firmware from here

Download files

Find the User Guide and other downloadable content below.