Change Time settings

Change Date and Time and TimeZone from the GUI

Go to the Network & Time tab

Select the TimeZone value to drop-down list.

Click on "Save"

Click on the Date icon on the right. A pop-up window will open with a calendar, then select the correct settings.

Click on the Time icon on the right. A pop-up window will open with a time table, then select the correct settings.

Once the Date and Time is set click on "Save"

Change Timezone from API REST

The system is configured in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). 

The Timezone is controlled by 3 commands:


For convenient reasons, the TimeZone is set as a region plus city, while the value is retrieved as the TimeZone according to RFC822: ("+" | "-") 4DIGIT

For example setting the time as Europe/Paris will result on a real TimeZone of +0100 (Central European Time) or +0200 (Central European Summer Time)

Change Date and time from API REST

The system time works as follows:

The following are the two methods to control the system date and time 








        <result>07/03/2014 12:44:23 PM</result>



Where: 07/03/2014 12:44:23 PM follows the pattern MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss a

Whenever the TimeZone and Date must be update, issue the commands in the following order:

In case the system is connected to Internet but it is required to use a specific Date and Time it would be required to stop the NTP server. Please contact to request instructions.

Alternatives to keep date/time updated

In case the reader and/or system does not have a RTC chip and cannot use NTP. the following are alternatives to keep the date/time updated.