USB HID Service


This service offers USB emulation as an HID device.

This is available in AdvanReader Series 70 and AdvanReader Series 160.

This service captures events generated during the system operation and converts them to keyboard events.

Possible events are:


In order to enable and configure this service go to the system tab and in the Services drop-down select USBHIDService

General Settings

The connection options are:

AdvanPay settings

The AdvanPay settings options are:

Advanced settings

Sending advanced conf

This allows total control on the symbols sent on any emulated line.

It is expressed as a JSON conf.

Possible symbols sent are:

This configuration allow to send something like

3035ea247c437cc0000003e8;8030495691073 (epc;sku)

The JSON expression to send this in a ES keyboard would be:

[{"symbol":"SKU"}, {"chars":",","modifiers":"SHIFT_LEFT"},{"symbol":"EPC"}]








8030495691073;10034 (sku;sku-serial)

The JSON expression to send this in a ES keyboard would be:

[{"symbol":"SKU"}, {"chars":",","modifiers":"SHIFT_LEFT"},{"symbol":"SKU_SERIAL"}]








8030495691073;10034 (sku;uri)

The JSON expression to send this in a ES keyboard would be:

[{"symbol":"SKU"}, {"chars":",","modifiers":"SHIFT_LEFT"},{"symbol":"URI"}]







SKU_SERIAL is available starting at AdvanNet 2.3.17

Post-process regexp

This allows manipulation of the symbol that is about to be sent through the USB bus.

The manipulation is done through a regular expression:

Imagine the epcs in certain application are

The required regular expression would be


Advanced JSON conf

This allows additional configuration options:

Available keyboard codes are:

For example the following configuration defines the keyboard as Italian




Minimum time between emulations

Adds a delay between prints.

keyboardCode must be defined only when the symbol URI is used.

In case your keyboard is not supported, please contact

Persist settings

Once the configuration works as expected, persist the changes using the "Save current" button at the top.


This service can also use bluetooth to send data.  More information in Bluetooth HID Service.

Use cases


For the AdvanPay use case, the screenshot options are the default and work well for the majority of cases as it prints out the EPC EAN code just fine.

Tag Reads

For the cases when the read mode is Autonomous or Sequential and tags must be printed on the USB HID: