BC Encoding
BC is the proprietary Keonn encoding for EPCGen2 tags.
It is used whenever the product codes to be encoded to EPC codes cannot use the most standard approaches like SGTIN-96.
Some of the BC Encoding characteristics are:
The BC is a parametric encoding, that means each BC encoding scheme uses specific/different settings.
The BC code header is 8 bits: 0xBC
The BC allows defining the Dictionary of symbols found in the original codes
The BC includes EAS information
The BC Encoding length is variable: it may use 96 bits or 128 bits. Once the BC settings are defined the length will be fixed
AdvanNet configuration
AdvanNet supports BC encoding.
The particular BC settings are configured inside connectors.xml file
The values inside conf will be provided by Keonn Technologies SL
Also make sure the device is configured to use automatic detection of encoding schemes.
Check the following code exists in the device definition file
Other configuration
Depending on the device/system being configured, other configuration may be required.
For example in case of AdvanPay devices, also make sure the HID Service has the BC or AUTO encoding scheme.