Create Devices
1- Introduction
Once the Region, Shop and Zones are created, the devices can be created in AdvanCloud.
For creating a new device, go to Devices, List, All
2- Getting Started
Creating a device - Common steps for all devices
A form will be displayed. The parameters are:
- Active: check it to enable it. (mandatory)
- Device Name: name to identify it. Only for internal use. (mandatory)
- Description: device description. (optional)
- sCloud Code: is the device identifier, is a 6-length code made by numbers and letters. Eg. ABC123 (mandatory)
- Device type: keep it empty it will be auto-filled.
- Shop: select one of the shops you previously create under Spaces. (mandatory)
- Device code: name used by the device when uploading logs to AdvanCloud. (optional)
* Numbers and letters. NO special characters or spaces (e.g. #, $, %, /, -, ...). Always lowercase.
Once this information is filled, it is needed to Add a Device Profile::
Once the device is created on the cloud, restart the machine and go back to Devices -> List. You will se see the status now is GREEN, this means the devices is ONLINE.
You can see Device details by clicking here:
Useful info you can get:
Last device connection
sCloud version
Current OS where sCloud is running
You can edit the device here (1) and delete it by clicking here (2):
3- How to get the sCloud code
sCloud: Once sCloud app is opened at first time, a screen will show the CODE needed.
AdvanNet: in AdvanNet manager, it is needed to access sCloudService inside Services tab. To know more about AdvanNet, please visit this link.
The first time you open the sCloud app, you are given a code:
When accessing AdvanNet of a reader you can find the sCloud code inside Services
4- Assign a License
During the process of creating a device, it is mandatory to assign a free AdvanCloud License to the device you are creating.
Go to Devices -> Licenses
Search for your licenses, and select a free license for your device. Taki into account only a license of the same type that the device you are creating will work. You can't use licenses of different type than your device
The attributes displayed are explained below:
Client: client's code (Keonn's internal code)
Product: type of Product license
ADCL-D-ADSN: AdvanScan
ADCL-D-ADPR: AdvanPrint
ADCL-D-ADLK: AdvanLook
ADCL-D-ADST: AdvanStation
ADCL-D-ADSF: AdvanSafe
ADCL-D-ADPY: AdvanPayType: It shows which type of license is,
Sold (payed license)
Free (demo license)
Loan (loan license, to be returned)License code: the code of the license is used for activating a device, copy and paste it under the field Accounting - Licenses Code
Internal code: Keonn's order internal code
Partner code: Partner's order internal code
Available: Yes, if it's ana available license, No if it's already in use.
Assigned to: sCloud code of the associated device
The value that needs to be used when adding a device is the License code (it needs to be available). It has to be copied into the field Accounting - Licenses Code:
5- Creating All Devices
AdvanNet Credentials
Some of the operation modes defined here require that AdvanNet does not use Access Authorisation,.
It is always desirable to order the system with the right CONF code, so the system factory defaults do not use credentials at all.
The process of disabling an existing configuration at user level one important limitation: a factory reset would restore the credentials configuration
To disable credentials at user level, go to AdvanNetRestService in AdvanNet, and make sure to select none as the authentication method.
A reboot would be needed.
For adding a new AdvanScan, the common steps are explained in chapter 1. Getting Started / Creating a device - Common steps for all devices.
AdvanScan device has to be selected in Profile type.
For adding a new AdvanPrint, the common steps are explained in chapter 1. Getting Started / Creating a device - Common steps for all devices.
AdvanPrint device has to be selected in Profile type.
Apart from that, some points have to be taken into account. It is needed to set the Type of the printer (Sato or Zebra) and the IP address in Printer properties by clicking the arrow pointing down under Profile type.
You can combine Advanscan license with AdvanPrint License:
AdvanPrint could be used with a Handheld or Windows machine. If it is used in Windows, the Type of the following options have to be set to "None" (the button Advanced has to be clicked in order to display all the settings):
This is the additional configuration needed:
For adding a new AdvanStation, the common steps are explained in chapter 1. Getting Started / Creating a device - Common steps for all devices.
AdvanStation device has to be selected in Profile type.
For adding a new AdvanPay, the common steps are explained in chapter 1. Getting Started / Creating a device - Common steps for all devices.
AdvanPay device has to be selected in Profile type.
For adding a new AdvanSafe, the common steps are explained in chapter 1. Getting Started / Creating a device - Common steps for all devices.
AdvanSafe device has to be selected in Profile type.
For adding a new AdvanGate, the common steps are explained in chapter 1. Getting Started / Creating a device - Common steps for all devices.
AdvanGate device has to be selected in Profile type.
For adding a new AdvanGuard, the common steps are explained in chapter 1. Getting Started / Creating a device - Common steps for all devices.
AdvanGuard device has to be selected in Profile type.
For adding a new AdvanLook, the common steps are explained in chapter 1. Getting Started / Creating a device - Common steps for all devices.
AdvanLook device has to be selected in Profile type.
The following extra configuration is needed:
For adding a new AdvanFitting, the common steps are explained in chapter 1. Getting Started / Creating a device - Common steps for all devices.
AdvanFitting device has to be selected in Profile type.
All additional configuration and variations of the product is explained here:
No Screen use case:
Chapter: 5.2.1 AdvanCloud configuration
For adding a new AdvanFlow-200, the common steps are explained in chapter 1. Getting Started / Creating a device - Common steps for all devices.
AdvanFlow device has to be selected in Profile type.
frontZone --> Name of the store zone that is understood as the source (from) of the MOVE inventory.
backZone --> Name of the store zone that is understood as the target (to) of the MOVE inventory.
AdvanFlow-200 View
For adding a new AdvanFlow-200 View, the common steps are explained in chapter 1. Getting Started / Creating a device - Common steps for all devices.
AdvanFlow-200 View device has to be selected in Profile type.
frontZone --> Name of the store zone that is understood as the source (from) of the MOVE inventory. MANDATORY
backZone --> Name of the store zone that is understood as the target (to) of the MOVE inventory. MANDATORY
switchStore --> Switches screen sides. By default "IN", you can set "OUT". OPTIONAL
switchAntenna --> Switches reads from both antennas. By default "1", you can set "2". OPTIONAL
AdvanReader generic systems
For adding a new AdvanReader, the common steps are explained in chapter 1. Getting Started / Creating a device - Common steps for all devices.
AdvanShelf device has to be selected in Profile type.
Your service manager will configure how often the inventories are uploaded to AdvanCloud.
AdvanShelf monitoring systems
For adding a new AdvanShelf monitoring device, the common steps are explained in chapter 1. Getting Started / Creating a device - Common steps for all devices.
AdvanShelf device has to be selected in Profile type.
EAS systems with ORC
Our systems are capable of detecting instances of Organized Retail Crime (ORC) targeting a shop and can promptly alert nearby shops to prevent further attacks.
Contact your Service Manager for more information.