The content of this page applies from AdvanNet version 2.3.18-06 onwards only.
By default we don't ship our readers with the required sql libraries. To run this service you need to install them. To do so follow these steps with this file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/5xh41xhm925jbz8/installDbLibrariesMySQL8.zip?dl=1
There is a Service in AdvanNet that allows sending data from the device to a SQL compatible database.
The information is sent in case of an event or a message (Autonomous vs Sequential modes)
The options are:
Enabled: self explanatory. if false the service won't work.
driverClass: describes the class of the driver to work with the connectionString. recommended values (com.mysql.jdbc.Driver for myql, oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver for oracle db, org.sqlite.JDBC for sql and so on)
connectionString: the connection string in a way the driverclass can read it. Put the user and password in the string as well.
JSON config: check the following subsection
AllowDeletes? Unless specified we don't allow to execute "Delete from" statements
EPC encoding: needed to decode the epc_hex value.
JSON config*
This is a JSON List of Maps, each Map with the following elements:
event: fully qualified name of the event we want to use
prepared_query: an SQL expression with parametrized values with ? marking a placeholder.
params: an arraylist of strings with the context variables to put in each placeholder of the prepared_query
native_query: an alternative to prepared_query, sql query with the context variables that will be replaced with the values and executed directly against the database.
Correct escaping of " and ' inside the body expression is the most difficult part.
Additional care is required when escaping characters.
AdvanNet is unable to validate SQL syntax.
Being our service vendor agnostic it can't validate SQL syntax. When the query is sent to the database AdvanNet will report any errors found. Please test your configuration.
Before entering the JSON config in the device it is recommendable to double check it's correctly formed by using a JSON validator like this one: https://jsonlint.com/
You can find JSON examples in the MYSQL subpage.
Possible events
TAG_READ events: as generated from inventory operations
AdvanPay events:
EAS events
The available context injected into the body javascript expression depends on the EVENT TYPE
TAG_READ context
Available context variables are
ctx_devid: device ID
ctx_devip: device IP
ctx_devmac: device MAC address expressed as 6b:31:58:87:a2:3c
ctx_epc: the hexadecinal read EPC
ctx_sku: the TAG EPC SKU if the tag encoding is known
ctx_serial: the TAG EPC SKU serial if the tag encoding is known
ctx_tid: the hexadecimal read TID (may be empty)
ctx_antenna: the integer antenna port
ctx_uri: the read URI of the EPC (may be empty)
ctx_rssi: the integer read RSSI value
ctx_utc: as the Unix UTC time stamp of the read
ctx_time: as the Unix time stamp of the read with the local TimeZone offset
ctx_utc_formatted: as the formatted UTC time of the read expressed as yyyyMMddHHmmss.SSS
ctx_time_formatted: as the formatted time of the read the local TimeZone offset expressed as yyyyMMddHHmmss.SSS
getUTC() and getUTCFormatted() are avilable starting at AdvanNet-2.3.16
In previous versions, the methods getTime() and getTimeFormatted() use UTC values.
getSKU() and getSerial() are available starting at AdvanNet-2.3.17_02
Other events context
All other events share the same context variables
ctx_devid: device ID
ctx_devip: device IP
ctx_devmac: device MAC address expressed as 6b:31:58:87:a2:3c
ctx_type: the event type
ctx_subtype: the event sub-type. For example the alarm type.
ctx_epc: the event EPC (may be empty)
ctx_sku: the event EPC SKU in case theEPC encoding is known (may be empty)
ctx_serial: the event EPC SKU serial in case the EPC encoding is known (may be empty)
ctx_uri: the event EPC URI (may be empty)
ctx_subtype is available starting at AdvanNet-2.3.15_09
ctx_sku and ctx_serial are available starting at AdvanNet-2.3.17_02