Tower stack
It is possible to control external devices from an AdvanSafe-200 unit, to do so the GPO lines are used.
Two methods are offered:
Using the relay output
Using the standard GPO lines and AdvanGPIO-200
1. Using the relay output
1.2 Physical connection
With the relay output, it is possible to build a circuit like the one below
The R cable pair is used to open/close the circuit that connects to an external industrial sounder.
The AdvanNet GPO#9 line can be configured to change the status R cable pair.
The exact value of the Power Supply will depend on the used sounder. Lots of available sounders work at 24 V.
1.3 AdvanSafe-200 configuration
Go to AdvanNet Events & Actions tab.
The configuration of the GPO#9 line is configured as follows:
1.4 Persist AdvanSafe-200 configuration
At the bottom of the Events & Actions tab, click the confirm button.
2. Using the standard GPO lines and AdvanGPIO-200
With the standard GPO lines it is possible to connect to complete Tower Stack with buzzer and lights.
2 x LED
1 x sounder
The lines +5 V, GND, GPO3, GPO4 and GPO5 are used to feed AdvanGPIO-200
The AdvanNet lines GPO#3, GPO#4 and GPO#5 lines can be configured to change the status of the Tower stack LEDs and sounder
The correct value of the Power Supply will depend on the used buzzer.
AdvanNet configuration is similar to the relay connection but using different GPO lines.