AdvanNet SW Upgrade Utility

Do not disconnect devices from power supply or network during the remote update process. This can cause the process to freeze or to end in several undesired conditions. Also, do not reload or press the back button while the operation is in progress.


AdvanNet is the controller SW that all the Series 60 and Series 150 readers and derived systems. AdvanNet SW is technically a SW module running on top of a bootloader.

This Keonn Bootloader provides convenient options:

Keonn releases AdvanNet upgrades periodically.

Follow this guide to know how to upgrade your AdvanNet module of your device.


Keonn bootloader

If you are familiar with the Keonn bootloader and you are aware of all the warnings to take into account, you may proceed to the upgrade steps here.

To open AdvanNet Updater (Keonn bootloader) connect the device and open your browser with the URL:


If the following web page is not shown, please contact with

The minimum bootloader version is 180102.

Installed modules

All the installed SW modules, and upgrades, including AdvanNet, are listed with their version information. If there is more than one version per module, they will be listed in version descendant installation order, being the last one the Original SW version.

OS upgrades are not listed.

The factory SW version is never removed by the upgrade process.

That factory version is the fall-back option in case installed upgrades fail to boot.

Upgrade module

The main section of this web site is Upgrade module.

There are two types of module upgrading:

As a previous step before applying the upgrade there is a device matching procedure.

However, please pay attention when choosing the ZIP file. Choose the proper version of your device.

2. OS upgrades: If there are some updates available for your OS device Keonn will deploy a signed ZIP. 

Each Keonn's devices has its own AdvanNet signed version associated to it.

Before updating your device, take into account:

Clear installed upgrades

It is possible to clear all the versions upgraded. With this, the factory AdvanNet SW version will be used.

When clearing AdvanNet upgrades, all the updates previously performed with the updater will be removed from your device.

Reboot system

If the device is not responding, you can use this option to make a clean reboot of the device. Press the button Reboot, accept the information pop-up and wait until you are redirected again.

HOW TO upgrade (steps)

Do not disconnect devices from power supply or network during the remote update process. This can cause the process to freeze or to end in several undesired conditions. Also, do not reload or press the back button while the operation is in progress.

If not already opened, please use Firefox or Chrome and open the URL


(replace the <Device-IP-address > for your IP device).

Upgrade AdvanNet module

Upgrade OS

Devices can also be updated with custom software provided by Keonn (signed software).

The process is explained below:

Identify active AdvanNet directory

The default AdvanNet directory is 


However, when we start applying AdvanNet SW upgrades, the directory structure of the device is modified, and the directory that holds the active version of AdvanNet changes.

In order to identify the active AdvanNet directory, please follow this procedure:

1. Using any SFTP client or by login into the system using SSH, list the contents of the directory /home/keonn/kernel/module/app.AdvanNet

drwxr-xr-x 3 keonn keonn 4096 May 11 09:11 META-INF

-rw-rw---- 1 keonn keonn 5696 May 11 11:03 advannet.jks

drwxr-xr-x 5 keonn keonn 4096 May 18 07:52 alternatives

-rw-r--r-- 1 keonn keonn   46 May 11 09:11 build-info

drwxr-xr-x 3 keonn keonn 4096 May 11 09:11 lib

-rw-r--r-- 1 keonn keonn  168 May 11 09:11 module-upgrade.xml

-rw-r--r-- 1 keonn keonn  688 May 11 09:11 module.xml

drwxr-xr-x 7 keonn keonn 4096 May 11 09:11 native-lib

drwxr-xr-x 3 keonn keonn 4096 May 11 09:11 templates

drwxr-xr-x 9 keonn keonn 4096 May 11 09:11 web

2. In case the directory below does not contain a sub-directory called alternatives, the active directory is directly the same directory


3. In case the directory /home/keonn/kernel/module/app.AdvanNet/alternatives exists, list the contents of /home/keonn/kernel/module/app.AdvanNet/alternatives

drwxr-xr-x 6 keonn keonn 4096 May 11 11:00 2.5.1-rc3.001
drwxr-xr-x 2 root  root  4096 May 18 07:52 2.5.1-rc4.002
drwxr-xr-x 2 root  root  4096 May 18 07:52

4. The active directory would be the entry in /home/keonn/kernel/module/app.AdvanNet/alternatives with the highest suffix value.

In the previous example it would be:  /home/keonn/kernel/module/app.AdvanNet/alternatives/

Known errors while upgrading

The upgrade procedure is designed to be a 100% safe process.

The main mechanism is having a module factory SW, which is never altered, and is used as a fallback version whenever the installed upgrades fail to boot.

The web page, while upgrading, may show the following messages:

Internal error while processing last operation. MANIFEST_FILE_NOT_FOUND

Possible reasons:

Upgrade for module app.AdvanNet failed. Destinamtio_pathfile (Is a directory)

Possible reasons:

Internal error while processing last operation. New module {product} does not match with upgrade product: {your_product}

Possible reasons: