MQTT Service
This service offers the option to send data generated in a device to MQTT brokers.
Possible events are:
TAG_READ events: as generated from inventory operations
AdvanPay events:
EAS events
[2.3.18-11+] SYSTEM_TIMER events
[2.5.3-04+] TAG_DIRECTION
[2.5.3-04+] GPI
TAG_ADDED and TAG_REMOVED are only available in the AdvanTrack_Asset_Location read mode
In order to enable and configure this service go to the system tab and in the Services drop-down select MQTT_SERVICE
Required fields are marked with *
The connection options are:
Broker*: examples of broker string connections are
Client ID*: identifier of the MQTT client .
Username: the username to be used in the connection process.
Password: the password to be used in the connection process.
Connection timeout (s): time in seconds before aborting a connection attempt
Transport timeout (s): time in seconds to throe an error on a read/write operation
MQTT payload
JSON config*: JSON list of maps that define the MQTT payload message format.
Details on the required format can be seen in the JSON config chapter.
Send options
The send options are:
Send one by one: options are
true: in case of TAG_READ, it sends each reads in a different request
false: in case of TAG_READ, may send several reads in the same request
Inventory tag TTL: in case of TAG_READ, do not send the same combination of EPC+antenna if they a previous match is found in the defined time window.
Inventory tag TTL is applied only on TAG_READ events.
It has no effect for other events: ADPY_PAYMENT, TAG_ALARM, etc.
To reduce the frequency of repeated events (other than TAG_READ), please change them in the ReadMode page settings (RF & Antenna options).
Re-send: in case of error connections, re-enqueue again the events for later sent
The queue for inventory data has a capacity of 32768 items
The queue for events data has a capacity of 16384 items
Items can be in the queue for a maximum of 10 minutes, in case they cannot be sent in that time they are removed permanently.
Advanced JSON conf
This setting allows to configure additional parameters:
debug: to enable additional debug information
debugTransport: to enable debug information on the request/response data
cleanSessionFlag: the value of the Clean Session flag (default= true)
retainFlag: the value of the Retain flag (default= false)
An example of JSON is
Other advanced config
These options require SSH access. Please request SSH access if required.
1. With the SSH credentials, lo into the system
2. Locate the active AdvanNet directory.
3. Download file $ADVANNET/META-INF/connectors.xml
4. Change the file connectors.xml
Possible changes are:
<com.keonn.MQTTService.MaxRetryTimeSecs>: maximum MQTT queue waiting time of the data to be sent.
The configuration options must be defined at the beginning of the file. For example:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
5. Verify the modified version is a valid XML file
6. Upload modified version
Persist settings
Once the current settings seems to work as desired, please do not forget to persist system settings using the "Save current" button at the top.
JSON config
This is a JSON List of Maps, each Map with the following elements:
event: fully qualified name of the event we want to use
topic: topic where messages will be sent to
body: javascript expression that defines a variable named body.
The javascript expression is evaluated with an injected context filled with real time data
Correct escaping of " and ' inside the body expression is the most difficult part.
Additional care is required when escaping characters.
Before entering the JSON config in the device it is recomendable to double check it's correctly formed by using a JSON validator like this one:
Possible examples of a JSON config entry are
Example 1:
var body='<read no=\"'+ctx_tagno+'\" id=\"'+ctx_devid+'\" ip=\"'+ctx_devip+'\" mac=\"'+ctx_devmac+'\">';
var i=0;
body+='<tag epc=\"'+ctx_tags[i].getEPC()+'\" port=\"'+ctx_tags[i].getAntenna()+'\" t=\"'+ctx_tags[i].getTimeFormatted()+'\" rssi=\"'+ctx_tags[i].getRSSI()+'\" />';
Example 2:
var body='{';
body+='\"devid\": \"'+ctx_devid+'\",';
body+='\"devip\": \"'+ctx_devip+'\",';
body+='\"devmac\": \"'+ctx_devmac+'\",';
body+='\"reads\": [';
body+='\"EPC\": \"'+ctx_tags[i].getEPC()+'\",';
body+='\"TID\": \"'+ctx_tags[i].getTID()+'\",';
body+='\"Antenna\": \"'+ctx_tags[i].getAntenna()+'\",';
body+='\"URI\": \"'+ctx_tags[i].getURI()+'\",';
body+='\"RSSI\": \"'+ctx_tags[i].getRSSI()+'\",';
body+='\"UTC time\": \"'+ctx_tags[i].getUTC()+'\",';
body+='\"Time stamp of the read with the local TimeZone offset\": \"'+ctx_tags[i].getTime()+'\",';
body+='\"Formatted UTC time\": \"'+ctx_tags[i].getUTCFormatted()+'\",';
body+='\"Formatted time of the read with the local TimeZone offset\": \"'+ctx_tags[i].getTimeFormatted()+'\"';
if(i< ctx_tagno - 1){
Example 3:
var body='{';
body+='\"type\": \"'+ctx_type+'\",';
body+='\"devid\": \"'+ctx_devid+'\",';
body+='\"devip\": \"'+ctx_devip+'\",';
body+='\"devmac\": \"'+ctx_devmac+'\",';
body+='\"epc\": \"'+ctx_epc+'\",';
body+='\"uri\": \"'+ctx_uri+'\"';
var body='{';
body+='\"type\": \"'+ctx_type+'\",';
body+='\"devid\": \"'+ctx_devid+'\",';
body+='\"devip\": \"'+ctx_devip+'\",';
body+='\"devmac\": \"'+ctx_devmac+'\",';
body+='\"epc\": \"'+ctx_epc+'\",';
body+='\"uri\": \"'+ctx_uri+'\"';
Example 4:
"body":"var body=ctx_devid+','+ctx_devip+','+ctx_devmac+','+ctx_type+','+ctx_subtype;"
Possible events
TAG_READ events: as generated from inventory operations
AdvanPay events:
EAS events
[2.3.18-11+] SYSTEM_TIMER events
Other events
The available context injected into the body javascript expression depends on the EVENT TYPE
TAG_READ context
Available context variables are
ctx_devid: device ID
ctx_devip: device IP
ctx_devmac: device MAC address expressed as 6b:31:58:87:a2:3c
ctx_tags: this is an array containing all reads. Every entry has the following method
ctx_tags[i].getEPC(): the hexadecinal read EPC
ctx_tags[i].getSKU(): the TAG EPC SKU if the tag encoding is known
ctx_tags[i].getSerial(): the TAG EPC SKU serial if the tag encoding is known
ctx_tags[i].getTID(): the hexadecimal read TID (may be empty)
ctx_tags[i].getPhase(): the integer phase of the read
ctx_tags[i].getAntenna(): the integer antenna port
ctx_tags[i].getMux1(): the integer level one mux (may be 0)
ctx_tags[i].getMux2(): the integer level two mux (may be 0)
ctx_tags[i].getURI(): the read URI of the EPC (may be empty)
ctx_tags[i].getRSSI(): the integer read RSSI value
ctx_tags[i].getUTC(): as the Unix UTC time stamp of the read
ctx_tags[i].getTime(): as the Unix time stamp of the read with the local TimeZone offset
ctx_tags[i].getUTCFormatted(): as the formatted UTC time of the read expressed as yyyyMMddHHmmss.SSS
ctx_tags[i].getTimeFormatted(): as the formatted time of the read the local TimeZone offset expressed as yyyyMMddHHmmss.SSS
ctx_tagno: this is the length of the ctx_tags array
ctx_tags.length must never be used! The internal buffer array is a fixed size array, the real valid entries are defined by ctx_tagno
Other events context
All other events share the same context variables
ctx_devid: device ID
ctx_devip: device IP
ctx_devmac: device MAC address expressed as 6b:31:58:87:a2:3c
ctx_type: the event type
ctx_subtype: the event sub-type. For example the alarm type.
ctx_epc: the event EPC (may be empty)
ctx_sku: the event EPC SKU in case theEPC encoding is known (may be empty)
ctx_serial: the event EPC SKU serial in case the EPC encoding is known (may be empty)
ctx_uri: the event EPC URI (may be empty)
ctx_utc_timestamp: UTC Unix timestamp
ctx_timestamp: UTC with local time zone Unix time
[2.3.18-11+] ctx_devstatus: device status [connected, running...]
Send inventory data in xml format.
The JSON string is as follows.
var body='<read no=\"'+ctx_tagno+'\" id=\"'+ctx_devid+'\" ip=\"'+ctx_devip+'\" mac=\"'+ctx_devmac+'\">';
var i=0;
body+='<tag epc=\"'+ctx_tags[i].getEPC()+'\" port=\"'+ctx_tags[i].getAntenna()+'\" t=\"'+ctx_tags[i].getTimeFormatted()+'\" rssi=\"'+ctx_tags[i].getRSSI()+'\" />';