Off intervals

OFF intervals

What OFF intervals is?

Allows disabling the device operation on predetermined times of the day (e.g. like overnight, or during goods-in reception through the main door)

The OFF intervals feature depends on the system time and as such will only work when the reader/system has correct and consistent time. This will happen in any of the following situations:

How does OFF intervals work?

The entire flowchart governing this behaviour can be seen here:

Having a one minute resolution, the unit can miss intervals if they're shorter than one minute

How OFF intervals is configured?

The following is a capture of the General settings with the off intervals configuration parameters:

JSON definition syntax is:

Examples of a valid JSON text are:

One interval (e.g. delivery time)


Two intervals  (e.g. goods-in and goods-out windows)


Overnight example





This is possible starting at AdvanNet-2.3.14 for all operation modes that inherit from the autonomous mode. In particular from:

OFF intervals is intended to be used when intervals are in the minutes/hours time scale. it is not designed for seconds or milliseconds intervals.