Off intervals
OFF intervals
What OFF intervals is?
Allows disabling the device operation on predetermined times of the day (e.g. like overnight, or during goods-in reception through the main door)
The OFF intervals feature depends on the system time and as such will only work when the reader/system has correct and consistent time. This will happen in any of the following situations:
Readers Series 60/70 and derived systems, as they include a battery assisted RTC
Readers Series 160 and derived systems, as they include a battery assisted RTC
Readers Series 150 and derived systems with Internet access with NTP ports opened.
How does OFF intervals work?
Users define what times of day do not want the unit working
The unit will make sure to stop working when entering one of the defined periods
The unit will resume operation automatically if it stopped due to this setting or if forced by configuration (i.e. if the unit was manually stopped it will not resume operation unless configured to do so)
The entire flowchart governing this behaviour can be seen here:
Having a one minute resolution, the unit can miss intervals if they're shorter than one minute
How OFF intervals is configured?
The following is a capture of the General settings with the off intervals configuration parameters:
JSON definition for off intervals: JSON text defining one or more OFF intervals
Always start in ON intervals: this is the alwaysStart flag. This forces the unit to go back to work at the end of an interval no matter the state of the unit before the start of the interval
JSON definition syntax is:
A list of maps containing two entries
Hours values are written in 24-hour notation
Intervals are defined within a day and do not spill over consecutive days
start and end is a text defining time "hh:mm" or "hh:mm:ss"
Examples of a valid JSON text are:
One interval (e.g. delivery time)
Two intervals (e.g. goods-in and goods-out windows)
Overnight example
This is possible starting at AdvanNet-2.3.14 for all operation modes that inherit from the autonomous mode. In particular from:
Alarm modes:
AdvanPay modes:
OFF intervals is intended to be used when intervals are in the minutes/hours time scale. it is not designed for seconds or milliseconds intervals.