Change AdvanPay LEDs
By default, Advanpay has 3 modes and 1 LED color associated to it:
Led Green: ADVANPAY_PAYMENT read mode.
Led Red: ADVANPAY_RETURN read mode.
Led Blue: ADVANPAY_READONLY read mode.
It is possible to change the color of your AdvanPay by changing it's configuration.
Identify active AdvanNet directory
Please follow this procedure to identify the active AdvanNet directory.
The active directory will be referred as $ADVANNET_DIR
Download the configuration file
To download the Advanpay configuration file, you should follow these steps:
1. Connect to your device using an SFTP program like FileZilla. To get the credentials, please follow this section of our wiki.
2. Go to $ADVANNET_DIR/META-INF folder
3. Download the connectors.xml file
Edit the configuration
1. Open the file with an editor such as Notepad++, Sublime Text, etc.
2. Scroll down until you find the LED configuration section. It should look like this:
3. The correspondence between numbers and colors is the following:
1 - Green
2 - Red
3 - Blue
4. Change the number of the LED according to your needs. For example, to change to a new configuration like:
Led Green: ADVANPAY_RETURN read mode.
Led Red: ADVANPAY_PAYMENT read mode.
Led Blue: ADVANPAY_READONLY read mode.
5. The file should look like:
6. Save the file.
Upload the configuration file
Use FileZilla to upload the file connectors.xml to the same folder of your AdvanPay ($ADVANNET_DIR/META-INF).
Confirm AdvanPay configuration
Reboot the AdvanPay and check if the new configuration has been applied.